A wedding dress usually has a train. That looks great for the ceremony, but what do you do with it the rest of the day?

Many wedding gowns have a train attached to the skirt. The length of such a trail varies. Sometimes a bride wants the train a little shorter or even gone altogether. Of course, all of that is possible!
However, a train is very special and you really feel like a bride with the train. When else can you wear a dress with a train? Therefore, many brides want a train, but they wonder how to handle it. Therefore, a few tips for all brides who have a dress with drag.
Where do you leave the tow when you sit during the ceremony? What do you do if it rains that day? How are you supposed to dance with such a drag?
- During the ceremony: when you sit down, smooth the dress over your buttocks at the back and sit down without pulling up your dress. You grab the tow, or let it indicate for a moment. You then place the tow next to you on the side where your partner is not sitting. That way the tow is not between you! If you sit on a stool or bench without a backrest, someone can put the tow nicely behind you.
- Walking and moving to another location: you pick up your train (if you can move easily in your dress, otherwise ask someone to hand the train over for a moment) and hold the train by the little loop attached to the middle back of the train. If the train is longer, lay it loosely over your forearm. You can then walk easily without the drag dragging across the (often dirty and sometimes wet) ground. ⛪
- While taking photos: if photos are being taken, it’s a lot of fun to pay close attention to make sure someone puts the drag down nicely every time. If all goes well, the different layers of fabric in your tow are joined together. Your helper now only needs to pick up the tow with two hands and lay it down loosely (as if you were shaking up a quilt). If you have a nice lace edging on the drag, it is nice that that edging is laid out all nice.
- In the car: if you are moving by car, be sure to practice getting in beforehand! You stand by the car and then pick up the tow, or have it indicated. Open the car door and then stand with your buttocks toward the car. Tuck your buttocks back, put your head down and go as far back as you can until you hit the car seat. Sit properly, pull your legs in and twist yourself until you are seated properly. You put the tow on your lap. If you are sitting in the back and there is plenty of room, you can also put the tow next to you.
- Eating and drinking: to relax eating and drinking, pull your dress up a little at the hips so you can sit down a little easier. You place the tow again beside you, on the opposite side from where your spouse sits. Pulling up the dress creates a little more room at the belly.
- Dance and hands free: if you want to dance carefree and not have the drag in your hands all the time, then the secret power of the cutter comes into play! Below I describe what the seamstress can do to make your dress party-proof too!
The seamstress makes invisible ribbons and loops in the back of the dress, on the inside.
When you get to the point where you want the drag up, discreetly pull yourself together with someone who can help you and who has seen and practiced the video below! Your helper ties the ribbons and loops together, making your train shorter on the inside. The dirty bottom stays nicely at the bottom and therefore does not stand out. Now you can just dance and move around without the dress getting in the way. Ideal!